• Rooms Fear

    Koinoniphobia can always be overcome...

Rooms Fear

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The Answer to Rooms Fear. Fast, Effective and Guaranteed

Feelings of dread? Overwhelming thoughts? Rapid heartbeat? Tunnel Vision? Or worse? Since 2002 we have worked with countless folks from all walks of life and we know for sure: there’s no question you can overcome rooms fear.

Here is what we offer:

  • Significant progress overcoming rooms fear in just 24 hours
  • Absolute anonymity and complete discretion
  • We’ve helped people from 70+ countries vanquish their fear

Get Started Now

We can help you two ways. Our programs are designed to help you do it yourself with the Home Study program or get board-certified help with our one-on-one program:

Home-Study Program: Vanquish Fear & Anxiety

CD’s and Workbook $147 or Download for $137

• Download Now and Start Immediately

• Work in Private at Your Own Pace

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One-on-One ‘VIP’ Program

Individually-Tailored Plan with a Highly Qualified Practitioner

• Confidential Sessions with Board-Certified Specialist

• Sophisticated Suite of Techniques to Remove Underlying Fear

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or Compare the Two Programs

How CTRN Programs Work

The core of the problem is that your unconscious mind is repeating patterns of thinking that generate the fear… and now its time to change things up so those patterns don’t run any more. Your rational mind knows that your Rooms Fear is illogical. Yet the fear perseveres only because your subconscious has ‘linked’ the thought of rooms to a bunch of strong negative feelings – which get brought up automatically every time.

Until now, you just haven’t had the techniques for re-programming those connections. We’ll help you learn this simple system to make the fear history. Are you ready to learn and utilize these techniques?

Process to Overcome Rooms Fear: Treatment Versus Cure

We don’t, in point of fact, ‘treat’, nor do we ‘cure’. YOU are the one with the authority to modify your perceptions. We’re going to walk you through the process that helps you re-program that tricky subconscious thinking.

You will learn how to cultivate positive feelings while learning to combat and eventually vanquish negative feelings that cause your fear. No one should have to go through the continuous suffering you are experiencing. Harmful thinking isn’t helping – you need to make some serious changes now.

Vanquish Rooms Fear Today.

The Triggers and Factors that Cause Your Fear

The root cause of Rooms Fear is often (but not always) traumatic incident in the past. In some cases, it appears the brain has produced the fear with no instigation. You resolve this issue by discovering the source and trading the negative correlations with positive ones. People who are at the greatest risk include:

• Those with a tendency to feel anxious and panicky

• People characterized as skittish, energetic, easily upset, nervous
• One who is dealing with adrenal insufficiency

Do those, in any way, represent you? Click here to see what individuals like you are saying about our capability to make a difference.

Or, see what the media has to say.

How to Know If This System is for You

To find out the gravity of the problem for you, use our 2 minute Online Assessment for Rooms Fear Online Test although it is fairly clear cut: If this phobia is having a significant negative impact on your life, its time to do something about it.

  • At the mere mention of Rooms, do you develop nausea?
  • Does your mouth go dry and your palms get sweaty?
  • Does your heart feel like it’s going to pound right out of your chest?
  • Do you feel as though you are unable to stand?

These are only a few examples of the things one can feel. Read more on the symptoms of rooms fear.

We address the symptoms, but we uncover the source, to eliminate them both. That’s why we’re here

Drugs & Medication


We feel drugs and medication for Rooms Fear aren’t the best approach, but make sure you always follow a doctor’s advice when taking or stopping any prescription. Drugs may produce a short-term improvement by masking symptoms, but they never tackle the core problem of the overwhelming automatic fear response to rooms.

No drug has ever been developed specifically for Rooms Fear, by the way – and with all the undetermined possible side effects, it is difficult to rationalize taking a prescription as the answer.

The good news is with CTRN you will overcome Rooms Fear, without prescription pills..

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